That Old Maid Kind of Life: Losing the Fear of Losing

In July my family made their annual trek down south to see family, with one small detour to Gulf Shores. It’s roughly 18 hours down to Alabama (closer to 22 when you make it all the way to the Gulf) and we stop and visit family and friends as we go. Is it an ordeal?…

Who’s Your Goose? Loving the Stinkers in Our Lives

Spring is here, y’all. Regardless of the snow on the ground after being in the 80s last week, spring is here. There are a few signs of it: fat Robins wobbling around, squirrels frisking at the park. And the return of the geese. Geese and I have a dislike-indifference relationship. I dislike them. They are…

Practical Faith: Ways to Share Peace in a Time of Uncertainty

“And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15 I don’t even need to do a rundown with you about the last few days. You know. You’ve lived it. In our house it has looked like postponed performances after months…

The Doctor Is In: Why You Never Need to Doubt that God Cares

Please hear this: God’s love for you will bust down any and all obstacles to your heart. Removing a heart of stone and replacing it with a heart of flesh is no painless process. But He does it with a gentle tenacity. With a steady hand and unstoppable mercy.

Called to Love: Loving the People Who Don’t Deserve it

I’ve started thinking about it far too early. I know it’s coming. In a matter of months, some of my most beautiful, sensible, well-meaning friends will get their hackles up and then… Election time will be in full swing. I know. Maybe you don’t want to think about it yet. Made you look! Sorry. I…

3, 2, 1… Celebrating the New Day

Have you ever had someone you really wanted to talk to and your message was super important, then you got some terrible news about someone else and all of the sudden your news seemed… meh? That’s the position I am working from right now. Not that this post will be “meh,” but I have really…

Fixing our Eyes: Why it is Critical for us to Seek God First

I am blogging from my phone. Cool, right? I mean, who wants to look like a professional writer tapping on her MacBook keyboard when she can look like an anti-social social media addict? After months of preparation, I finally got around to installing a new hard drive on my computer today. Super speedy, I would…

Own it: Why Boasting in God is What We All Need

I’m such a loser. Hold up. First of all, this is not a cry for help. I am not begging for affirmation from anyone. Not even myself. The truth is I’m a fraud. I say I’m a writer, but when it comes to actually sitting down and writing, I find that those dishes really need…